   Solvent Blue 5
 Product name   Solvent Blue 5
   CAS No.   1325-86-6
   Molecular Structure   

Color Index No.: C.I Solvent Blue 5(42595:1)
Chemical Type: Triaryl methane
Molecular Weight:495.70
Character: Has good compatibility and dissolubility in all kinds of organic solvent, synthetic and natural resin. Has excellent heat stability, light stability, dissolubility as well as strong stain ability.
Use: Mainly be used in dyeing resin, transparent paint, aluminium-foil paper, wood, blocking materials and leather.

Item Index
Appearance Blue powder
Strength (%) 100±3
Shade Similar to standard
Moisture (%) 3.0 max
Insoluble in organic solvent (%) 0.3 max

Property and Performance:

Fastness Solubility (g/l)  
M.P. (℃) Light Heat Alkali Xylene Methanol Isopro- panol Ethanol Butanol Isobut- anol Ethyl Acetate
180 7 A A 150 50 5 60 100 - -


Toluene MIBK Cyclohexanone
- 100 100

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